Mystery at Olympia
John Rhode
Originally Published 1935
Dr. Priestley #21
Preceded by Hendon’s First Case
Followed by Shot at Dawn

Mystery at Olympia is one of the four titles that HarperCollins selected to launch a range of reissued John Rhode novels. Previously I reviewed Death at Breakfast on this blog and discussed Invisible Weapons in a spoilery chat with JJ but while both of those novels were enjoyable reads, this one is on a higher level.

The setup for the story is that there is a large motor show taking place at Olympia where a revolutionary new transmission is drawing considerable interest. Crowds are gathered around the Comet Motor Company’s booth to listen to the explanation and among them is Dr. Oldland who is attending the demonstration to satisfy his chauffeur who wants him to purchase a more modern vehicle.

Also in the crowd is Nahum Pershore, a man who apparently has little interest in motor cars. Suddenly he collapses and Oldland attends to him. At first his death appears to be quite natural but Inspector Hanslet is suspicious when that same afternoon Pershore’s maid becomes severely ill as a result of arsenical poisoning. Closer inspection of the house reveals a further attempt to poison Pershore yet the autopsy reveals that neither poison was the cause of death, so just what was going on and who is responsible for each of these attempts to kill him?

Rhode does a lot of things right in this story but it all begins with this wonderful scenario which is genuinely puzzling. In the other two reissued stories I had read, it is easy to get a sense of the sort of thing that has happened from the opening chapters but here there are contradictions in the evidence that must be sorted out before we can get a clear sense of just what has taken place and who we might suspect.

I also appreciate that Rhode’s gallery of suspects and incidental characters feels a little richer than I have found in some of these other stories. For instance, I enjoyed the background given to the character of the housekeeper and I was amused by the insistence of another character that his good health can be put down to the nightly consumption of good port. There are a good mix of motives among them for disliking Pershore and several can be considered credible suspects until close to the end.

One aspect of Rhode’s writing that I am really appreciating is how well he develops his corpses, often in just a few pages. Pershaw may die within the first few pages of the novel but his character is very effectively established, both through direct description but also through the way these other characters have responded to him. Perhaps it is because he is a more disagreeable person in life, it is easier to believe that so many people may not be sorry to see him dead.

Hanslet is working alone on this case and I was pleased that while he occasionally heads off on a faulty line of reasoning there are no moments where he advances a completely ridiculous idea in this novel. He clearly requires Priestley’s guidance at multiple points but at least he shows some basic competency following up on elements of the investigation.

Similarly Priestley is on strong form, making logical connections and encouraging his friend to view the facts of the case from alternate perspectives. He even gets out in the field several times, attends the inquest, stakes out a house and gets involved in interviewing a suspect.

The novel builds to a rather splendid conclusion that I found surprisingly punchy, incorporating a note of conflict between some of our characters. It makes for a memorable finish to a novel that I think hung together terribly well.

That being said, there are a few aspects of the novel that I think are less successful. There is a moment where the cause of death is found that I think is profoundly unsatisfying, in part because it relies on a tremendous piece of good fortune. While the information, when received, does lead the sleuths to find how the crime was done, I firstly think it would be highly unlikely that it could be stumbled over in the way it is or that it can be seen as definitely being how the murder could be managed. This ends up being a small complaint as it really serves as a starting point in determining the method and it will be addressed in the conclusion but it did bother me for a while.

I didn’t learn to drive until I was in my late-20s so I am perhaps not the target audience for it but I found the lengthy passages of explanation about the Lovell Transmission to be quite dry and unnecessary. It’s a minor frustration and I might have skimmed those sections had I known that they would be of absolutely no consequence whatsoever.

These are however fairly small complaints and I feel that the mystery is well constructed and interesting. The characters are strong, the situation fascinating to pick apart and I think the resolution is really strong. As I indicated at the start of my review, I do think that this is the best novel I have yet to read from Rhode.

Finally, I don’t usually talk about the format I choose to enjoy my reading in but I wanted to give a special shout out to the audiobook versions of these Rhode stories read by Gordon Griffin. He does an amazing job with these (I listened to Death at Breakfast and, after reading the print copy, listened to Invisible Weapons to prepare for my spoilery chat with JJ). I never have had any problems keeping my concentration while enjoying them and I think the voices he creates for Hanslet and Priestley are absolutely perfect.

Hopefully HarperCollins will be able to release some further titles so he gets a chance to record some more.

Vintage Mysteries Challenge: During a special event: birthday, village fete, etc. – Car Show (When)

26 responses to “Mystery at Olympia by John Rhode”

  1. Sounds wonderful, thanks for letting us know. I shall make this my next Rhode for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you will enjoy it. Nothing impossible but there is some good, solid detection going on here. I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts when you are done!


      1. “Good, solid detection” = music to my ears. Give me a few months, but I’ll definitely get to this before, er, 2019. Probably.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Too many books, never enough time!


  2. A fine sherry has nearly the same health benefits as a fine port, consumed nightly of course. A fine brandy is best reserved for hastening recovery from a bad head trauma or a gunshot wound.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Or administered following a terrible shock for strictly medicinal purposes, you understand…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad you enjoyed it. It’s definitely the best of the four re-issues.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am sure based on everything I have read (including your review) that I will agree. Let’s hope that another batch will be announced soon!


      1. I gather there are some more on the way, either from Rhode or his alter-ego Miles Burton.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hooray. That makes my day! Forgive me for very strongly hoping it is Rhode though – I have yet to warm up to Merrion.


      3. Which Burton have you read? Just the British Library ones?


      4. Yes and The Chinese Puzzle.


      5. Ah. I’ve heard some interesting things about that one, none of them good…


      6. They would largely be right. I think it was largely well intentioned but in some ways it seems more offensive because of it.


      7. I’m hopeful of Murder M.D. and Three Corpse Trick, two very strong titles, and some more that I don’t own…


      8. I certainly hope it will represent a good spread from across his career. It reminds me a little of those early days of Doctor Who DVD releases with the seemingly quite random approach to releases.


      9. I’ve been assured there is a reason for the choice but that reason hasn’t been shared with me. It might have something to do with licensing. If not, I can’t see what the four titles have in common. Not the order, not the quality, not the vibrant covers (as Olympia and Paddington are rather dull)… I’ll try and find out at Bodies From The Library this year.

        Liked by 1 person

      10. I will be interested to learn if there is an explanation. The rights would make sense though I was rather surprised they picked Olympia given another ebook version of that title is on sale from a third party publisher under the Motor Show title (no doubt using the Archive file).


  4. Although I enjoyed Mystery at Olympia, I’m rather sceptical about whether the murder method would actually work.
    And with regard to the Burton titles, I think The Three Corpse Trick is about the best of the small number I’ve read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t disagree on that point. It did irk me, not in that it is impossible but that it is far from certain to work. In nearly all the cases I have heard of death occurred as a result of an accident not treated quickly enough, not careful scheming.


  5. Despite a few reservations, I had a reasonably good time with Invisible Weapons so I’m pleased to hear you found this better still.
    I’d also welcome more from Rhode on the market, not so much Burton given my less than happy experience with Death in the Tunnel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have similar feelings on my interest in Rhode vs Burton. Death in the Tunnel was hard going for me and I didn’t love The Chinese Puzzle either.

      I think the story here is a little less convoluted once you accept the means of death and there are some solid pieces of misdirection. If you check it out I hope you enjoy it!


      1. I’m rather keen to try this one out now and hope to get a copy before too long.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Wonderful! Please let me know how you liked it. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. […] the premise for the story may not be as immediately grabbing as, say, Death at Breakfast or Mystery at Olympia, I found it to be tightly plotted and was impressed with the richness of its characterizations, […]


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