The Arsenal Stadium Mystery
Leonard Gribble
Originally Published 1939
Superintendent Slade #11
Preceded by Who Killed Oliver Cromwell?
Followed by Tragedy in E Flat

The Arsenal Stadium Mystery is a novel set against the backdrop of a sporting event but that does not mean that it is a sports novel. Indeed, with the exception of a few pages of action prior to the murder you will not need to worry about positions, the offside rule or cups of steaming Bovril (unless that is your beverage of choice while reading Golden Age crime novels).

I would say that the author, Leonard Gribble, is entirely new to me but I realized when tagging this post that I had read one of his short stories in The Long Arm of the Law, a collection of police tales also issued as part of the British Library Crime Classics range. That had been a largely forgettable affair lacking in any distinctive incident or character – certainly not a complaint I would level against this book.

The murder takes place during a football match between Arsenal and an amateur team, the Trojans, watched by some 70,000 people. One-nil down at half time, the Trojans take the game to Arsenal in the second half and are awarded a penalty. John Doyce steps up and converts the kick but a few moments later he collapses and enters a coma from which he does not wake up. It turns out that he was poisoned but how was it administered during a soccer game being so watched so intently?

As the excellent introduction from Martin Edwards points out, this book is novel for several reasons but chief among them is the inclusion of real life footballers and Arsenal manager George Allison in the cast of characters. It is a neat touch that certainly helps to sell the story’s background though I am not sure that the Police would be quite so quick to dismiss the idea that any of the Arsenal players or staff could have been involved!

Inspector Slade’s focus instead falls squarely on the players and staff of the Trojans who, being amateurs, come from an interesting variety of backgrounds. Doyce was a newcomer to the team and does not seem to have been popular but he shared a business with a teammate and had played alongside several members of the squad on other amateur teams.

Slade is a relatively straightforward sleuth, lacking in any strong defining characteristics. Whether that reflects that the character had already been around for some time prior to this book’s publication or whether that was simply Gribble’s preferred writing style it is hard to say from this alone but I appreciated that he has a methodical, calm approach to solving this case which is entertaining and easy to follow.

There are several characters with strong motives to kill Doyce but one in particular stands out early in the proceedings. Everything seems to be pointing in that one suspect’s direction but rather than making Slade feel comfortable making an arrest, he feels it is almost too tidy to be natural, asking his superiors for permission to extend his inquiries for a few days before making his arrest.

Looking beyond the most obvious suspect, Gribble creates an interesting cast of characters for us to consider as killers. In an interesting twist on the whodunit formula, the means and a possible motive becomes clear relatively early in the case but we cannot tell which of the characters that motive would belong to. In addition, Gribble also allows us to listen in on a few conversations between those characters after Slade leaves the room so we are aware of ways in which they are attempting to manipulate the situation.

For the most part the mystery is fairly clued although there is an element of the solution that Slade reveals that helped him identify the killer that the reader has no real way of knowing. In other respects though I think it plays fair and while the solution is relatively simple, I do think that the explanation given is quite satisfying and I did enjoy the use of a trap element that is set near the end of the novel.

As much as I enjoyed the novel I cannot claim it is entirely successful. While the reveal of the killer’s identity may surprise some readers, the methodical analysis of the case means that there are few surprises for the alert reader in the second half of the novel. I would also add that the striking premise of a player being murdered in a stadium full of tens of thousands of witnesses is not entirely realized or referred to.

The positives however far outweigh those negatives and make this a novel that I think works whether you are a fan of the sport or not. I would certainly suggest that those who do not care for the beautiful game should not be put off by the subject matter – there is a strong and entertaining mystery novel to be found here and though not perfect, it is an entertaining and colorful read. It certainly makes me feel more excited about the prospect of reading other works by Leonard Gribble and if anyone has any experience with this author and can make any recommendations for other titles to try I would be grateful!

Review copy provided by the publisher. This book is already available in the UK but will be published in the United States on August 10.

12 responses to “The Arsenal Stadium Mystery by Leonard Gribble”

  1. Thanks for the review – I have this title awaiting to be picked up from my metaphorical TBR pile. That is, in my Kindle. 😊 I wasn’t aware that the author had written other works, and so I’m glad that there may be more treats in store.

    I’ll probably be taking a break from mystery fiction after completing the novel I’m currently reading, and I may very well pick up “Arsenal Stadium Mystery” when I return back. 🧐


    1. Heh – I like that phrase. I shall think about my own TBR pile that way!

      Hopefully you enjoy this when you do get back. It has certainly inspired me to try to track down some of the author’s other work to see how it compares.


  2. I have a copy of this on my TBR too and as a non-football fan was toying with the idea of subcontracting it to my brother. But you’ve persuaded me I shouldn’t be put off, so he’ll just have to buy his own copy… 😉 I do love the name Leonard Gribble – it seems just right for a book about vintage football somehow!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I promise the football is limited to just a couple of chapters and then it is all Golden Age sleuthing from then on! I hope you enjoy and I didn’t think about it but the name is quite ideal.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. There was a movie adaptation of this book back in 1939:

    Not sure how closely they followed the novel. For one thing, they changed football to soccer. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would like to take a look at the movie and also the revised version of this that Gribble published quite a few years later.

      I was quite surprised to read Gribble using soccer rather than football throughout the book. Not sure if that is typical of the time or just the author’s preference.


  4. […] Conan Doyle The Ripper of Storyville and Other Stories by Ed Hoch The Double Alibi by Noël Vindry The Arsenal Stadium Mystery by Leonard Gribble Nice Day for a Murder by C. A. Broadribb The Betel Nut Tree Mystery by Ovidia Yu Resorting to […]


  5. […] I had my first encounter with Leonard Gribble and his series sleuth Anthony Slade when I reviewed The Arsenal Stadium Mystery, a novel which was recently reissued as part of the British Library Crime Classics range. When I […]


  6. […] and Mary Roberts Rinehart. While none of the first six authors picked are quite as obscure as Leonard Gribble or Ellen Wilkinson future releases are set to feature less widely-known authors like H. F. […]


  7. […] I first encountered his work when I read and reviewed the British Library Crime Classics reprint of The Arsenal Stadium Mystery. That was several years ago now and I have to say that the memories have become a little hazy but I […]


  8. Somewhat belatedly, I can help with a couple of recommendations. I’m currently partly through Deadly Jade (written by LG as ‘Bruce Sanders’, which I’m enjoying very much. Although it’s set in the post-WWII period, I think it will appeal mainly to lovers of crime fiction from between the wars. On the other side of the coin, I wouldn’t recommend Promise to Kill (written by LG as ‘Piers Marlowe’), which actually has a brilliant plot but the story is told so badly it leaves the reader disengaged and, in places, confused. Another of the ‘Piers Marlowe’ books, The Men in her Death, is better, but not great IIRC.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for these recommendations. I am not sure when I will get to Gribble again but I will keep an eye out for Deadly Jade when I do!


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